Storichain - Project Review

Hello friend …
I will give an article … to help you learn about a project that was launched. And after you learn that you can be interested in buying it.
Let’s immediately see my explanation. This project is named Storichain.
This project has a team that doesn’t need to be doubted. Therefore you don’t need to hesitate to trade.

Storichain is a project that provides a partially distributed dApp application and a common protocol for solving storytelling problems using blockchain capabilities. “Story industry” refers to an industry that uses “stories” as a source of its products and includes areas such as movies, drama, web novels, web plays, plays, musicals and radio programs.
Storichain can be considered a digital history asset management system that allows people to shop online with untrustworthy people by concluding an “agreement to prevent the theft of ideas”. Another problem in industry is profit sharing. For example, the webtoon industry, one of Korea’s largest plot-based industries, has already surpassed the $ 700 million market, but there are still many people who are skeptical about the industry and the sharing of many materials. Creators are still struggling to get adequate remuneration for their work.
Storichain begins by setting a brand value base for story creation, which ultimately wants to reduce the level of trust between story participants — writers, production companies and readers. In this way, Storichain makes the source material more transparent in the process of creating derivative work, decides the injustice in the industry, and creates new values.

The Storichain project aims to research and develop “stories” as a form of intellectual property. Storytelling can be defined as an industry that includes stories and activities that use stories created for different purposes. In 2014, Story Stories defined an industry that creates added value through products and businesses based on research, discovery, design, development, creation, dissemination, and the transmission of stories that are considered to be the source of imagination and creativity.
Storichain does not store the original history data on the blockchain. This is because Storichain takes into account the contribution made during the creation and event, and the transfer of ownership of the story more than the textual and graphic information in the story itself. In fact, no one can stop a person from sharing text content because all he or she needs is to take a picture of his or her monitor and distribute it to any place he or she wants. Thus, rather than simply blocking such actions, Storichain is more important in proving the value of the author’s efforts by systematically measuring who participated in the story, when and how they participated, how ownership was transferred, and how much each Creator contributed to the story.

Storichain calls such information “performance indicators”. Because activity indicators are used to distribute historical profits, it cannot be falsified or manipulated. In addition, the performance indicators are also used as a basis for calculating the growth index, which is used to determine the value of the most important assets in the story. This is the basis for profit distribution.
Storichain followed blockchain technology, which provides trust between participants and extends its borders to unexpected areas.Blockchain offers confidence beyond boundaries and ideologies, helping many industries simplify the problems they face in the past and provide new solutions. Storichain strives to immerse the blockchain in the story industry to create a world where all participants can be satisfied by sharing their responsibilities. To implement this philosophy step by step, the company has now accurately identified existing industry problems to seek new solutions. 
Project Roadmap:

For More Information You Can Visit Link Below :

Author : Soedra_Crypto
Profile Link :;u=1717932


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